EP abaest
Abaest Europrogetti is a multidisciplinary firm, completely uncorrelated to and independent of any industrial or financial corporation. It was founded in 1989 by a group of engineers, who have been working together since then to bring a wide variety of projects to fruition.
Abaest Europrogetti carries out its activities mostly within the enviromental sector, power plants, and the civil building constructions.
It is therefore involved, as a General Contractor, in quite a broad range of projects, for the fulfilment of which it meets the highest expectations and most articulated requiriments on the market.
The philosophy underlying the firm consists of a system of operative teams, in which the senior partner not only guarantees the circulation of ideas, but is also responsible for the coordination of those groups working on similar subjects, and he consistently interacts with the other team-members as well.
This kind of organization guarantees both the synergie within a wide range of skills, and the utilization of all the necessary professionals, as well as a high quality in terms of service.
Far from being hierarchic, the organization strategy is complementary and interdisciplinary, and it therefore contributes to the flexibility and the adequacy of the human resources, according to the typology of the request.
Such strong an organization and sense of responsibility offer the clients - to their greatest advantage - the most qualified team-work, which overcomes the economic logics permeating the Constructing Engineering Firms.
Thanks to the experiences accumulated within the enviromental, civil and industrial sectors, Abaest Europrogetti is nowadays able to operate both for the private and the public demand, in Italy as well as abroad. As a consequence, it carries out a wide range of interventions by integrating its experiences and technical skills with technologies that are commonly applied uniquely within other sectors and other firms.
Abaest Europrogetti manages articolated and diversified projects, thanks to the technical and organizational skills of its professionals, who always honour deadlines, and meet budgetary and qualitative expectations.